Shockwave Shepherds is a 2-player co-operative herding game, developed in 2 days during Global Game Jam 2017 (theme “Waves”). Players attempt guide all 30 sheep from the fields into the pen using a combination of shockwaves powerful enough to shake the very earth.


The game requires players to blast as much of their flock of sheep back to the pen within a given time-frame using 2 shockwave attacks: “Stomp” (launching sheep high up into the air) and Swoosh (shoving sheep horizontally away) from the shepherd.


During the Jam I mostly worked on characters, writing basic kinematic character movement for the shepherds and the sheep, along with controls, flocking behaviours and animations, and the effects of the waves on the sheep. I also assisted the other programmers on the team with the math for the wave effects.

Want to Play Shockwave Shepherds?

Good news! We uploaded a playable build of the game at the end of the game jam.  All you need is 2 controllers and a buddy to play with!

Shockwave Shepherds

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